In Memory of The Founder
Javad Mosadeghi
Javad Mosadeghi, formed CEO and founder of the Islamic P&I Club, was born in 1946 in Tehran, Iran, into the Muslim family of Mosadeghi, to a caring mother and clergical father. He soon picked up the moral values of his parents and set out a path to help others by building a better more secured future. In order to do so, after he graduated from University of Shiraz in 1972 in Economics and Business, he started his journey as high-manager in several organizations and institutions, aiming to up the standards and to ritualize education for employees at all levels. Mentioned in many of his biographical pieces is the fact that he valued his human resources’ mental, emotional, and physical health just as much as he valued the visions and missions of the companies he was leading.
His prolonged involvement with the world of shipping began around the year 1980 and went on for another 35 fruitful years by structuring and managing different national and international shipping companies from out of Middle East region and expanding to the west and east of the world. The last 11 of which was spent almost exclusively on building what is now Islamic P&I Club.
In 2004, Javad Mosadeghi managed to convince the headmasters of 57 Islamic countries to sanction the establishment of the club, a dire task which has proven to be worthy for not only the world of Islam, but the world of international shipping. He then went on as CEO of the club until 2015.
In 2015, during the Hajj ritual, the biggest symbol of the Islamic unity in the most holy city of Muslims, Mecca Al Mukarramah, , Javad Mosadeghi passed away and left the mantel of leadership to his disciples in the Club.
Javad Mosadeghi’s leadership to this day is an example to thrive on and his mark on the club will lever leave.
Your support in difficult times.